
SSI certified NIHONSHU Navigator: The Sake Basics

¥24,000 税込


2022年10月11日 23:59 に販売終了しました



The Sake Basics:

Learning about the basics on Sake:
*Reading and understanding sake labels
*Brewing process
*History and current data

Learning benefits:
Participants will receive the SSI (Sake Service Institute) certified NIHONSHU Navigator, granted with perfect attendance
(Certificate card is to be issued after program completion)

NIHONSHU Navigator is a certificate for the general sake lover, authorized by Sake Service Institute (SSI), junior certificate to Kikisake-shi.
More than 19,000 people are registered as NIHONSHU Navigators, as of April, 2019.

*Day 1: 14:00-15:00 Sunday, October 16th, 2022 (lecture on Sake style/types and Sake Ingredients)
*Day 2: 14:00-15:00 Sunday, November 13th, 2022 (lecture on Brewing Process and History)
*Day 3: 14:00-15:00 Sunday, December 11th, 2022 (lecture + tasting session)

■Admission fee: 24,000 yen
including consumption tax, shipping cost, certification fee and sake samples for tasting (180ml x 4 bottles) 

*Instructions are all in English via Zoom webinar and PDF of English manual will be provided
*This seminar consists of 3 sessions; and participating in all 3 sessions is required for SSI “NIHONSHU Navigator”
*Pre-registration on Zoom webinar is required before each session.
(The unique URL is to be issued for pre-registration for each day)
*Personal computer or tablet computer is recommended, rather than smartphones
*Textbook PDF should be downloaded before the session on Day 1 (once payment is received, you will be issued URL for your PDF via the registered email)
*For the tasting, 4 bottles (180 ml) are to be sent to each registered address prior to the Day 3 session (Dec. 11th)
*Only the host is to share the screen during the sessions
*Participants are encouraged to text any questions and comments on “Q&A” of the Zoom webinar during the sessions

*Step 1: Purchase “The Sake Basics” on Sakenoeki online shop
Click black button saying “カートに入れる” and register your name, address, email account, and phone number
*Step 2: Make payment on the Sake Basics (24,000 yen), plus remittance charge (if necessary), by October 11th, 2022
*Step 3: Download textbook of the Sake Basics, referring to the URL on the email message from “Sakenoeki”, sent to your registered email account
*Step 4: Register your name and email address for Day 1 Zoom webinar session, referring to the URL on the email message from “Sakenoeki”, sent to your registered email account by a couple of days ahead of Day 1, October 16th
※Pls make sure to receive emails from the domain email addresses with “thebase.in”, ”sakenoeki.com” and “zoom.us”
*Step 5: (on Day 1 and Day 2) Log in to the pre-registered zoom webinar about 10 minutes before the session starts
*Step 6: (before Day 3) Receive 4 sample sake bottles for tasting on Day 3, sent to your registered address and store them into your fridge until Day 3, December 11th
*Step 7: (on Day 3) put 4 sample sake bottes out from the fridge 10 minutes before the starting time of Day 3.

If you have any questions, please send us email to info@sakenoeki.com.


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  • 送料・配送方法について

  • お支払い方法について

¥24,000 税込


